- Oct. 26, 2021

We are proud and excited to announce a big WIN for one of Film Fatales' members at the IDA Doc Awards:

Best Cinematography

Faya Dayi directed by Jessica Beshir


We'd love to celebrate some of the Film Fatales members who were also nominated at the IDA Doc Awards:


Best Feature Nominees

Faya Dayi directed by Jessica Beshir

Jacinta directed by Jessica Earnshaw

Writing With Fire directed by Rintu Thomas


Best Director Nominees

Jessica Beshir

Jessica Earnshaw


Best Multi-Part Documentary Nominees

Nuclear Family directed by Ry Russo Young


Best Short Nominees

Aguilas directed by Kristy Guevara Flanagan


Best Music Documentary Nominees

Lydia Lunch: The War is Never Over directed by Beth B


We also want to take a moment to highlight the IDA Documentary Awards Features Shortlist which includes half a dozen feature films directed by members of Film Fatales including:


Ailey directed by Jamila Wignot

Faya Dayi directed by Jessica Beshir

Fruits of Labor directed by Emily Cohen IbaƱez

Jacinta directed by Jessica Earnshaw

This Stained Dawn directed by Anam Abbas

Writing With Fire directed by Rintu Thomas


as well as episodic series and short films:

Aguilas directed by Kristy Guevara Flanagan

same/different/both/neither directed by Adriana Barbosa

My Love: Six Stories of True Love directed by Elaine Sheldon and Xan Aranda
