Gloria La Morte
In 2010 the critically acclaimed film ENTRE NOS marked Gloria’s debut as a feature writer, director and editor. The film premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival receiving an Honorable Mention. The New York Times’ Andy Webster described the film’s writing and direction by Gloria La Morte and Paola Mendoza as, “… deft with pacing, composition and atmosphere…” Gloria then directed the urban romantic comedy short CRUSH for HBO, winner of the HBO/ NYILFF short script competition. Gloria began making films in 2000 when she wrote and co-produced her first short dark comedy DETAILS (HBO). She is currently co-writing and producing A PASO DE MANGLES— inspired by true events, three women’s lives are caught in the crosshairs of Colombia’s raging drug war. Gloria is currently a producer, and now in it’s its second season a writer/director, on the new comedy web series GET SOME on