The Parity Pipeline is a results-driven initiative that fights inequities in the film industry by connecting underrepresented creators directly with key decision-makers. It functions as both a career development program for filmmakers from marginalized backgrounds as well as a content discovery platform for industry allies.
The Parity Pipeline is a programming initiative from Film Fatales that provides a direct conduit for film festival programmers, production companies, funders, and other industry stakeholders to connect with filmmakers from underrepresented communities in an effort towards more inclusive programing and hiring practices.
About the Parity Pipeline
We work with:
Industry Partners
Festival Programmers
Participating Filmmakers

We connect production companies, funding organizations, incubators, screenplay competitions and artist development programs with historically marginalized filmmakers looking to get their projects off the ground.

We match feature film and television directors with producers looking to hire directors for their funded projects, as well as with agents and managers looking to expand their talent pool.
We Support:
Since the inception of the pipeline we have supported close to a thousand projects as they move from development to production to festivals to distribution. The success rate has been phenomenal, we have seen our projects consistently be accepted into labs and incubators, as well as film festivals around the world, including many of the top-tier festivals. Our projects have received grants, awards, distribution and accolades. By helping these films in every phase of filmmaking we have amplified the voices of marginalized filmmakers around the world.
feature projects in development
films on the festival circuit
Film seeking distribution

Film Festivals
We work with over 200 film festival programmers around the world to bring them a selection of high quality films directed by underrepresented filmmakers. We also secure submission discounts and waivers for participating filmmakers to apply to festivals they otherwise might not be able to afford.

We connect distributors, sales agents, and acquisition executives with underrepresented filmmakers with completed feature films who are seeking distribution for their work. In addition, we collaborate with programmers to curate screening series with an emphasis on films directed by filmmakers of all marginalized genders.