Isa Benn

Isa Benn (née Isa Benn-Moja Ạtiyyah) is an award-winning filmmaker, screenwriter, playwright, multimedia artist and creator. She approaches each project with a sensitivity and perspective that is as resonant as it is unique. In light of several highly visual sensory “handicaps”, including autism spectrum disorder, synesthesia and ideasthesia, she has found a mode of exploring the human experiences that is unparalleled. Isa is uniquely able to connect to and penetrate her audience’s emotional barriers and facilitate a collective cognitive experience that leaves audiences feeling connected, healed and with greater awareness of a world outside of themselves. Moreover, Isa draws upon her experience as a Jewish North and West African, Caribbean, Latinx and Queer woman to create stylistically introspective works that shed a harsh light on the racism, colonization, colorism, ableism and attacks on queer bodies that are rampant in North American society.

Format: Unscripted Features

Location: London, United Kingdom