Ryan Rox
Ryan rox square

Ryan Rox (they/she) is a Director, Writer, and Actor of Trans Non-Binary experience, living and working in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Besides making films, Rox also works as the Artist Support Manager at the film organization Femme Frontera, supporting marginalized Femme and Non-Binary filmmakers of color from border regions, with an emphasis on those in Las Cruces, El Paso, Texas, and Juarez, Mexico. In 2022, Rox received Femme Frontera's annual Filmmaker Grant, with which they used the in kind support to predominantly fund "Shipping Them" - a non-binary autobiographical fiction short film that received multiple film festival official selections and awards, including Best NM Short(2022 Albuquerque Mindfield Film Festival), Best El Paso Film(2023 El Paso Media Fest), and Best Locally Made Short(2023 Santa Fe Film Festival). Their primary filmmaking focus is telling queer stories from a queer perspective, while creating jobs for LGBTQIA+ individuals, bringing awareness to their humanity, and sparking empathy in those unfamiliar with and possibly misinformed about the community.