Victoria directed the feature-length documentary Dr Megavolt: from Geek to Superhero, distributed by Film Buff/Gunpowder & Sky, which premiered at Comic-Con International Independent Film Festival in 2015. It won "Best Documentary" at City of Angels Women's Film Festival 2019 and "Best of the Festival" award at the 7th Annual Lady Filmmakers Festival 2015.
She has participated in many group filmmaker projects including 140 (Newport Beach Film Festival 2010), Life in a Day (Sundance Film Festival 2011), One Day on Earth 10.10.10. & 11.11.11, which premiered at the General Assembly Hall at the United Nations in New York.
Victoria’s past narrative short films include I Heard the Mermaids Singing, Short Film Corner Cannes 2008, official selection 17 international film festivals, 2 wins - Best Narrative Short, Great Lakes Independent Film Festival 2008; Silver Medal for Excellence, Park City Film Music Festival 2008 and Backstage, Short Film Corner, Cannes 2011.
Apart from film, Victoria's first love was acting, improv and theater. Acting highlights include Crazy Bitches by Jane Clark, Ben Affleck’s Academy Award winning Argo and Angels Die Slowly filmed in post Katrina New Orleans. Australian born, Victoria's Aussie TV credits include Neighbours and Boys From the Bush.
Victoria is a graduate of the University of Melbourne, where she earned her Bachelor of Arts in English and Film and received a writer’s grant from the Theatre Department.