  • Feb. 10, 2016
    As a child Memphis filmmaker Rachel M. Taylor imagined that she’d grow up and direct a Star Wars-caliber movie. She didn’t realize back then that her ambition would carry her into an industry where the DNA still skews predominantly pale and male.
  • Jan. 13, 2016
    t's 2015, but still, in Hollywood, most movies are made by white men to tell stories about...white men. Thankfully, there's a growing movement to diversify both the industry and the films it makes—and at the forefront of it is Keri Putnam, executive director of the Sundance Institute...
  • Jan. 8, 2016
    In January 2013, a filmmaker named Leah Meyerhoff was about to begin shooting her first feature, a dreamy, disturbing coming-of-age tale called I Believe in Unicorns. Looking for some empirical, on-the-ground wisdom before diving into production, she began reaching out to local filmmakers whose work she admired—and ended up inviting six of them, all women, over for dinner.
  • Dec. 16, 2015
    Last month, I put together a podcast about systemic sexism in the film in industry. You probably know the stats: Although women make up over half of the movie-going audiences in America, this past year less than five percent of the top-grossing box office films were directed by women.
  • Dec. 16, 2015
    When Ingrid Veninger told a room full of actors, screenwriters and directors that she wanted to see more movies written and directed by women, the crowd cheered in agreement.