Academy Awards 2025
This awards season, let’s celebrate the films directed by Film Fatales members that are eligible for Academy Awards including:
Scripted Features
Albany Road directed by Christine Swanson
Arze directed by Mira Shaib – Official submission from Lebanon
Fresh Kills directed by Jennifer Esposito
Girls will be Girls directed by Shuchi Talati
Meeting You, Meeting Me directed by Lina Suh
No Right Way directed by Chelsea Bo
The Other, Gold directed by Sharaé Nikai and David Lassiter
Unscripted Features
Adrianne & The Castle directed by Shannon Walsh
And So It Begins directed by Ramona Diaz – Official submission from The Philippines
Bread & Roses directed by Sahra Mani
The Cowboy and The Queen directed by Andrea Nevins
Daughters directed by Angela Patton and Natalie Rae – SHORTLISTED
Frida directed by Carla Gutierrez – SHORTLISTED
Girls State directed by Amanda McBaine and Jesse Moss
Happy Campers directed by Amy Nicholson
Hummingbirds directed by Silvia Del Carmen Castaños and Estefanía Contreras
Indigo Girls: It’s Only Life After All directed by Alexandria Bombach
Invisible Nation directed by Vanessa Hope
Look Into My Eyes directed by Lana Wilson
Luther: Never Too Much directed by Dawn Porter
Mountain Queen directed by Lucy Walker
New Wave directed by Elizabeth Ai
Nocturnes directed by Anupama Srinivasan and Anirban Dutta
No One Asked You directed by Ruth Leitman
Nurse Unseen directed by Michele Josue
One Person, One Vote? directed by Maximina Juson
Sweetheart Deal directed by Elisa Levine
Union directed by Brett Story and Stephen Maing – SHORTLISTED
Live Action Shorts
A Lien produced by Rebecca Eskreis – SHORTLISTED
Breathe directed by Jamie Burton-Oare
Good Daughter directed by Rachel Annette Helson
Picture Day directed by Kelly Pike
Superman Doesn’t Steal directed by Tamika Lamison
The Queen’s Flowers directed by Ciara Lacy
Unscripted Shorts
I Am Ready, Warden directed by Smriti Mundhra – SHORTLISTED
The Test directed by Claudia Meyers and Laura Waters Hensen