Sarah Kambe Holland

Sarah Kambe Holland is a film director working between Austin, TX and New York City. She is best known for her debut feature film, Egghead & Twinkie, for which she was also the screenwriter, co-producer, and co-editor. In 2019, she received the Best Directing Award from the Women Making a Scene International Film Project. Holland makes her living by directing commercial work for clients. She specializes in branded video content for social media, relying on her background as a YouTuber and TikTok creator. In 2020, Holland developed a viral TikTok campaign to raise funds for her debut feature, amassing millions of views and growing the @eggheadtwinkiefilm account to over 250K followers. As a director, she loves working with emerging talent and developing multi-faceted characters, with a special focus on telling queer and Asian American stories.

Format: Scripted Features

Location: Austin, Texas, United States