Black History Month 2025
Please join us throughout Black History Month and beyond in watching some of these feature films directed by Film Fatales members…
Ailey directed by Jamila Wignot
Albany Road directed by Christine Swanson
Alma’s Rainbow directed by Ayoka Chenzira
Black Barbie: The Documentary directed by Lagueria Davis
Black Girls directed by B. Monét
Black in Space: Breaking the Color directed by Laurens Grant
For All Humankind directed by Laurens Grant
James Brown: Say It Loud directed by Deborah Riley Draper
Jinn directed by Nijla Mu’min
Just Another Girl on the I.R.T. directed by Leslie Harris
Little Richard: I Am Everything directed by Lisa Cortés
Marian Anderson: The Whole World In Her Hands directed by Rita Coburn
Memoirs of a Black Girl directed by Thato Mwosa
Neptune Frost directed by Anisia Uzeyman and Saul Williams
Solace directed by Tchaiko Omawale
Stand directed by Joslyn Rose Lyons
Subjects of Desire directed by Jennifer Holness
The Cost of Inheritance directed by Yoruba Richen
Unapologetic directed by Ashley O’Shay