We look forward to celebrating all of the Film Fatales members who directed films premiering at the Tribeca Festival this year including:
Beacon directed by Roxy ShihBikechess directed by Assel AushakimovaBitterroot directed by Vera Brunner-SungBloomed in the Water directed by Joanne Mony ParkBooked a Room directed by Kris LefcoeDarkest Marium directed by Naomi JayeI’m Your Venus directed by Kimberly ReedJazzy directed by Morrisa MaltzLuther: Never Too Much directed by Dawn PorterMade in Ethiopia directed by Xinyan YuMissing From Fire Trail Road directed by Sabrina Van TasselNew Wave directed by Elizabeth Ai Power of the Dream directed by Dawn PorterRebel Without a Pause directed by Maya CuevaSatisfied co-directed by Melissa HaizlipSora Shorts directed by Bonnie Discepolo, Ellie Foumbi and Nikyatu JusuThe Debutantes directed by Contessa GaylesThis Really Happened directed by Emily CohnAn Update on Our Family directed by Rachel Mason