In this unique mother-daughter identity story, A PLACE CALLED HOME, internationally acclaimed Canadian/New Zealand performer Deb Filler loses her mother in faraway New Zealand and in her grief she embarks on an emotional quest to understand the complexities of her mother’s relationship with ‘home’ as a German Jewish refugee, by literally becoming her mother in a play and casting a young woman to play herself. Together they perform the play in her mother’s country of birth, Germany. An intimate journey as two women delve into their own complex relationship with their mothers, their fractured identity and the challenging concept of home.
A former Montrealer now living in Toronto, Francine’s work as a director is inspired by her profound connection to French Canada. She graduated from film at McGill University; studied directing at Columbia University, NYC and writing at Script Factory, London. She has won numerous awards and been recognized at film festivals around the world. Her strong cinematic vision and her love for working with actors is evident in her films, THE ATWOOD STORIES; PUNCH ME IN THE STOMACH; PASSENGERS and MR. BERNSTEIN and her documentaries HALF THE KINGDOM; EXPOSURE; WE ARE HERE and AFTER MUNICH has taken her to New Zealand, England, Sweden, Poland, Germany and Israel.
She has recently completed her feature documentary AFTER MUNICH about the aftermath of the Munich Olympic massacre of eleven Israeli athletes in 1972 and how four women’s lives are changed forever. It toured to Germany; Israel and England this past year to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the terrorist attack.
She is in development on a dramatic series based on world renown writer Margaret Atwood’s first novel THE EDIBLE WOMAN and a Canada/Poland co-pro feature film ANNA, a Canada/French co-pro ALMA ROSE and a Canada/New Zealand co-pro A PLACE CALLED HOME.
Co-producer - Anke Petersen