In FAITH BY FIRE - young Faith is inspired to invite Jesus Christ into her heart as her Lord and Savior and requests baptism. Her Mother, although surprised and skeptical, agrees to the baptism as she thinks it will cure Faith’s fascination with fire. The girl likes to play with fire. Faith is baptized by a charismatic Pastor and becomes very involved with the church. Although she almost drowns during the baptism—she survives it and thrives in the church. When Faith’s mother is delayed picking her up, the Pastor agrees to drive her home and rewards her baptismal bravery with a driving lesson- against his wife’s wishes.
The driving lesson is fun at first as Faith takes control of the wheel. The lesson quickly devolves into a different kind of lesson- a dark & inappropriate physical betrayal that sends Faith- into a crisis of Faith as she questions everything- especially the church. She sinks into a depression, struggling with conflicting feelings about her love of God/her spiritual awakening vs. her anger with her pastor and confusion with the lack of protection from the church.
Ultimately, she goes to the church hall, knocks over the candles that flank the crucified Jesus—and sets the Church on fire. She pulls the fire alarm and as the pastor emerges- he and faith share a look of dark understanding. Faith turns and walks into the baptismal lake while the Pastor & vacation bible school students watch the church burn.
Tamika Lamison is an award-winning writer, director and producer of Film & TV. Some credits include: Last Life, Ferguson Rises, Spin, Hope & Monogamy. She helped develop the Academy Gold program for AMPAS & the CDDP-Commercial Director’s Diversity Program- ( for the DGA. Some Honors include: ABC/Disney Fellowship, CBS Directors Fellowship, AFI’s Directing Workshop for Women & the Rideback Rise Circle.
She is a Virginia native & graduate of The American University, Howard University & an AFI Alum.
Tamika created/founded Make a Film Foundation, a non-profit that grants 'film wishes' to children who have serious or life-threatening medical conditions by teaming them with noted actors, writers and directors who help them create short film legacies.
Through MAFF, Tamika has produced over 100 short documentaries and 4 award winning short narrative films. Tamika produced and stars in the feature LAST LIFE (Tubi TV) and was a staff writer on the TV series MONOGAMY. She is currently writing a movie for Hallmark. She also produced the Tribeca Audience/Pan African award-winning feature doc “Ferguson Rises.” And recently wrote, directed and produced the personal short “Superman Doesn’t Steal” which recently premiered at the Oscar qualifying ‘Pan African Film Festival’ and Officially selected to screen at several others.
Awards History
Bravemaker Film Festival- Pitchfest- Winner
Carol Ann Shine - Producer
Erin G. Wesley - Cinematographer