Amidst the picturesque backdrop of the Southern wilderness, lies Gethsemane Academy, a seemingly idyllic boarding school for troubled teens. Behind its polished facade lurks a sinister reality of abuse and oppression. At the heart of this institution's darkness is our protagonist, Janira, a resilient queer teen grappling with trauma, loss, and her identity amidst the tumult of adolescence.
As Janira navigates the brutal landscape of Gethsemane, she forms alliances with fellow outcasts. Together, they navigate the minefield of abuse and manipulation orchestrated by the staff, finding solace and strength in their shared defiance.
When Janira confronts Reena in a dramatic showdown, she exposes the horrors of Gethsemane Academy to the outside world. In a final act of defiance, Janira refuses to be silenced, igniting a revolution that reverberates far beyond the confines of the school's walls.
Jasmín Mara López is a filmmaker based in New Orleans. With deep familial roots in México, her childhood experiences along the U.S.-México border fueled her passion for immigrant rights and youth empowerment. Her audio documentary Deadly Divide: Migrant Death on the Border earned the Excellence in Journalism Award by the Society of Professional Journalists. Her debut film, Silent Beauty, premiered at Hot Docs and garnered awards from Urbanworld Film Festival, Indie Memphis, mujerDOC, New Orleans Film Festival, and others. Jasmín has received support from esteemed organizations like Chicken & Egg Pictures, Sundance Institute, Firelight Media, Creative Capital, Visions du Réel, The Gotham, and ITVS. Through her work, Jasmín addresses systemic injustices, champions marginalized voices, and seeks to bridge the divide between ancestral heritage and present-day realities.
Director - Jasmín Mara López
Cinematographer - Bron Moyi