Parity Pipeline

Parity Pipeline

The Archives

Archives, hallowed places of stored history, are the searching grounds for descendants of the victims of the Holocaust, who are looking for the missing links in their interrupted family stories. The last defenders of this vital memory are the archivists, quiet warriors who preserve and uncover the truth of history.

  • BIO



Bernadette Wegenstein is an Austrian-born linguist, author and critically acclaimed documentary filmmaker living in Baltimore. Her work brings together her feminist thought and her interest in human-centric storytelling. She studied semiotics with Umberto Eco at the University of Bologna, and received her phD in Linguistics from Vienna University. As a post-doc she studied Comparative Literature and Film at Stanford University. Bernadette Wegenstein is the recipient of numerous academic, film and Austrian governmental awards, and is currently also a professor of media studies at the Johns Hopkins University, where she directs the “Center of Advanced Media Study.” She’s directed four documentaries, including The Conductor, See You Soon Again, and The Good Breast, as well as the documentary short, See Me: a Global Concert. Bernadette is currently in post-production with the partly animated documentary Devoti tutti, and the feature film A Sweet Secret.