In this horror feature film, an awkward 13-year old girl named Cass wishes to get a first kiss on her birthday. But instead, she and her cooler best-friend Stacie play with a Ouija board — which delivers a shocking prediction: Stacie will soon die. That week, Stacie vanishes. Amidst wild rumors about Stacie's sexual history, Cass turns to the Ouija board for answers. Its cryptic clues lead her to a meeting with an older teen named "Nick". Thinking her birthday wish is about to come true, she climbs into his car and they drive into a part of town Cass calls the Quiet Streets. The ride, which starts out romantic, soon turns chilling as Cass begins questioning Nick’s identity. But nothing is as it appears to be — not even Stacie's disappearance. And now, to make it home alive, Cass will have to muster an inner strength she never knew she had. THE QUIET STREETS combines real archival material with elements of the surreal and supernatural, to illuminate what every true crime fan already knows: that the real world is more terrifying than a horror movie could ever be.
Jessamyn Ansary got her start in the film industry as an associate producer on acclaimed director Michael Apted’s multi-year documentary, Married in America. Other feature film experience includes being part of the producing team on the Emmy-nominated healthcare documentary Escape Fire, production managing the indie horror film Catskill Park, and casting HBO’s feature documentary Americans in Bed. Her work in television includes writing/story producing and casting for networks such as Travel Channel, National Geographic, Food Network, Fusion, Comedy Central, PBS, and others. Notable writing credits include writer/story producer on the long-running Travel Channel series Mysteries at the Museum, narrative script writing and editing for Rosetta Films, and pitch writing for Bright-Eyed Media. Most recently, Jessamyn co-produced a feature true crime documentary for Hulu, cast the leads on an upcoming HBO max series about modern dating, and produced a series of short branded documentaries for eBay/Transient Pictures. Jessamyn is currently a scriptwriter on the Oxygen true crime series Snapped. Lee Fields: Faithful Man is her directorial debut on a feature film.
Awards History
Sundance Development Track 2023 - Second Rounder
Page Awards 2023 - Quarterfinalist
Selected for Stowe Story labs 2024, as a semifinalist for the NYX horror fellowship