The film, starring Ashley Sharpe Chestnut (Chicago Med, Star Trek: Picard) and Etienne Maurice of (Scream Queens), follows a successful wedding planner named Olivia (played by Ashley) who is "unwillingly tasked" with planning her sister's wedding alongside her ex-boyfriend, Isaiah (played by Etienne).
Having grown up by the ocean in a Latin family, both the role of the natural environment and feminine traditions are a constant thread in Rhonda Mitrani’s film and video artwork. Born in Miami and a graduate of University of Michigan, Mitrani worked in post-production for Miramax Films in New York. Her editing work has been featured in Showtime and HBO Latino. Her documentary, Cuba Mia, premiered with Miami International FF and was broadcast on PBS. Mitrani’s shorts include Supermarket (Film Shortage) and Still Standing (Latino Public Broadcasting). Her multi-media work can mostly be seen through her collaborative RPM Project where they create large form video installations that explore the boundaries of feminine themes. Mitrani was recently awarded Miami’s Visual Arts Award through Oolite Art’s The Ellies for a short experimental documentary on the life of a Cuban woman who emigrated to Miami after the revolution and uses a feminist lens to examine age and gender roles and the subtleties of machismo in Cuban Jewish communities. Mitrani, along with her sister will be opening a new space in Little River dedicated film and photography.