BLACK GIRLS, a Never Whisper Justice story, follows the stories of Allyson Felix, the most decorated athlete in Olympic history; Vanessa Rochelle-Lewis, a performer, facilitator, educator, writer, and activist for body positivity; Olympia Auset, Founder of SÜPRMARKT and advocate for solving America’s food desert crisis; Marley Dias, author and creator of #1000BlackGirlBooks, which promotes literacy among Black girls; Jacqueline Alexander Sykes, a visual artist and director of St. Elmo Village, a sacred community for artists, activists, and creators interested in providing workshops to advance creative disciplines and address human concerns; and Alex Elle, a New York Times bestselling author and mother of three who emphatically democratizes personal healing as legacy work within her lineage. The film is an exploration of intergenerational healing that traces the spectrum of advocacy among Black women from a variety of angles.
B. Monét is a distinguished writer and director who obtained her B.A. in English from Spelman College and an MFA in Film and Television with a concentration in writing and directing from New York University. She is a native of Maryland, and her films are known for their thought-provoking questions about identity, society, race, and culture. Her commitment to showcasing underrepresented people in film, media, and television is evident in her works. She’s received several awards, including the runner-up position in the First Time Female Filmmakers Contest with Women and Hollywood, the Horizon Award through Cassian Elwes, Christine Vachon, and Lynette Howell-Taylor at the Sundance Film Festival, and the Adrienne Shelly Foundation grant. She also participated in Film Independent's residency program Project Involve as a directing fellow. B. Monét is one of the winners of the #NewView Film Competition with Glamour and Girlgaze, which celebrates the voices of female filmmakers, and one of the filmmakers in the Tisch Other Showcase, which focuses on diverse artists whose voices are underrepresented in the television industry. Notably, B. Monét directed the award-winning short film Q.U.E.E.N., which premiered on Magic Johnson's channel ASPiRE and has been screened at over a dozen festivals, including Cannes Short Film Corner. She also directed a branded short film, ""She’s Revolutionary,” on the #MeToo founder Tarana Burke for Levi’s and Girlgaze.
Tribeca X - 2024
BlackStar Film Festival - 2024
Middleburg Film Festival - 2024
"Oscars: Academy Reveals List Of Documentary, Animation & International Features Eligible For Consideration"
"‘Black Girls’: Comcast Releases Trailer Of B. Monét Documentary Featuring Decorated Olympian Allyson Felix To Premiere On The Black Experience On Xfinity Channel"